By accepting this agreement or by installing EasyTorrentStreamor uTorrent or other software offered by or on behalf of EasyTorrentStreamLimited, a BVI company limited by shares (the "Software") or byclicking "Install," "Agree" or similar language, you agreeto the following terms, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in thisagreement. If you do not agree with any term or condition, do not download,order, open, play, install or use the Software or product package.LicenseSubject to your compliance with these terms and conditions,EasyTorrentStream Limited grants you a royalty-free, non-exclusive,non-transferable license to use the Software, solely for your personal,non-commercial purposes. Notwithstanding the foregoing, uTorrent Lite leveragesWebTorrent software licensed under the MIT License at (copyright FerossAdoukhadijeh), the EasyTorrentStream Play Software includes FFmpeg softwarelicensed under the GNU LGPL v 2.1 license and the utWeb Software includesFFmpeg software under the GNU LGPL v.2.1 license, software developed by theOpenSSL Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. ( and libtorrent softwareunder the license at (the "OtherSoftware"), which, notwithstanding anything to the contrary, is licensedto you under those respective licenses and not under the license fromEasyTorrentStream Limited). EasyTorrentStream Limited reserves all rights inthe Software (excluding the Other Software) not expressly granted to you here.RestrictionsThe source code, design, and structure of the Software(excluding the Other Software) are trade secrets. You will not disassemble,decompile, or reverse engineer it, in whole or in part, except to the extentexpressly permitted by law, or distribute it. You will not use the Software forillegal purposes. You will comply with all export laws. The Software islicensed, not sold.The EasyTorrentStream Applications

Downloading and UpdatesThe EasyTorrentStream and uTorrent software are peer-to-peerfile distribution applications distributed by EasyTorrentStream Limited("EasyTorrentStream Applications"). The EasyTorrentStreamApplications download only those files that are both authorized by you fordownload (specifically or by category or subscription), except that theSoftware automatically updates itself.

Automatic UploadingThe EasyTorrentStream Applications accelerate downloads byenabling your computer to grab pieces of files from other EasyTorrentStreamusers simultaneously. Your use of the EasyTorrentStream Applications todownload files will, in turn, enable other users to download pieces of thosefiles from you, thereby maximizing download speeds for all users. In theEasyTorrentStream Applications, only files that you are explicitly downloadingor sharing or have downloaded or shared through EasyTorrentStream Applicationswill be made available to others. You consent to other users' use of yournetwork connection to download portions of such files from you. At any time,you may uninstall the Software through the Add/Remove Programs control panelutility. In addition, for the EasyTorrentStream Applications, you can controlthe Software in multiple ways through its user interface without affecting anyfiles you have already downloaded.Disclaimer of WarrantyEasyTorrentStream Limited disclaims any responsibility for harmresulting from the EasyTorrentStream Applications or any software or contentdownloaded using the Software, whether or not EasyTorrentStream Limitedapproved such software or content. EasyTorrentStream Limited approval does notguarantee that software or content from an approved partner will function,sound, or appear as offered or hoped, or be complete, accurate, or free frombugs, errors, viruses, or other harmful content. EasyTorrentStream Limitedexpressly disclaims all warranties and conditions, express or implied,including any implied warranties and conditions of merchantability, fitness fora particular purpose, and noninfringement, and any warranties and conditionsarising out of course of dealing or usage of trade regarding the Software orany software or content you download using the EasyTorrentStream Applications.No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained fromEasyTorrentStream Limited or elsewhere will create any warranty or conditionnot expressly stated in this agreement. Some jurisdictions do not allow certainlimitations on implied warranties, so the above limitation may not apply to youto its full extent.Limitation of LiabilityEasyTorrentStream Limited's total liability to you from allcauses of action and under all theories of liability will be limited to $50.00.In no event and under no theory of liability will EasyTorrentStream Limited beliable to you for any special, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damagesarising out of or in connection with this agreement or the software whether ornot EasyTorrentStream Limited has been advised of the possibility of suchdamages. The foregoing limitations will survive even if any limited remedyspecified is found to have failed of its essential purpose. Some jurisdictionsdo not allow the limitation or exclusion of liability for incidental orconsequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply toyou to its full extent.U.S. Government UsersThe Software is "commercial computer software" any useof which by or on behalf of the U.S. Government is subject to the restrictionsherein. Manufactured by EasyTorrentStream Limited.GeneralThese EasyTorrentStream Limited terms will be governed by andconstrued in accordance with the laws of the British Virgin Islands withoutregard to conflicts of law rules. The United Nations Convention on Contractsfor the International Sale of Goods will not apply. The failure by either partyto enforce any provision will not constitute a waiver. Any waiver,modification, or amendment of the EasyTorrentStream Limited terms will beeffective only if signed or presented on this authorized EasyTorrentStream platform.If any provision is held to be unenforceable, it will be enforced to themaximum extent possible and will not diminish other provisions.EasyTorrentStream Limited may make changes to these terms from time to time.When these changes are made, EasyTorrentStream Limited will make a new copy ofthe terms available at You understand and agreethat if you use the Software after the date on which the terms have changed,EasyTorrentStream Limited will treat your use as acceptance of the updatedterms. You agree that EasyTorrentStream Limited may provide you with notices,including those regarding changes to the terms, by postings on This and the Terms ofUse at areEasyTorrentStream Limited's complete and exclusive understanding with youregarding your use of the Software as an end user.ContactIf you have any questions, contact us at