Privacy Policy


Last Updated:
 February 7, 2024

Easy Torrent Stream Limited and our subsidiaries (including Easy TorrentStream, Inc. and  DTV Limited) (collectively, “Easy Torrent Stream,” “we,”“us” and “our”) are technology companies that are responsible for creating thelargest decentralized communications protocol for distributing data over theInternet by providing peer-to-peer protocol and associated clients. Please alsorefer to our 
End User License Agreement (EULA), Terms of Use and CopyrightInfringement Policy for additional information.The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide you with information onEasy Torrent Stream’s use of your personal information or personal data inaccordance with applicable laws, including the British Virgin Islands DataProtection Act, 2021 (“Applicable Laws”).


At or before the time of collection, California residents may have aright to receive notice of our practices, including the categories of personal information to becollected, the purposes for which such information iscollected or used, whether such information is sold or shared, and how long such informationis retained. You can find those details as itrelates to personal information that is subject to this Privacy Policy byclicking on the above links.


This Privacy Policy applies to personal information processed by us,including on our websites, mobile applications, software, and other online oroffline offerings. Easy Torrent Stream’s software called the “Easy TorrentStream” applications or the “Easy Torrent Stream” applications are sometimescollectively referred to hereunder as the “Easy Torrent Stream Client.” EasyTorrent Stream’s other applications, including, but not limited to, EasyTorrent Stream Live and Easy Torrent Stream Now, are sometimes referred tohereunder as “Easy Torrent Stream Other Applications.” The Easy Torrent StreamClient and Easy Torrent Stream Other Applications are sometimes collectivelyreferred to as the “software”. To make this Privacy Policy easier to read, ourwebsites, mobile applications, software, and other offerings are collectivelycalled the “Services.


The categories of personal information we collect depend on how youinteract with us, our Services, and the requirements of Applicable Laws. Wecollect information that you provide to us, information we obtain automaticallywhen you use our Services, and information from other sources such asthird-party services and organizations, as described below.
An Important Note: This Privacy Policy doesnot apply to the information practices of other companies and organizationsthat advertise our Services or to services offered by other companies orindividuals, including products or sites that they offer that may include ourServices, or to products or sites that may be displayed to you in searchresults that may be linked from our Services. In those cases, their respectiveprivacy policies govern their collection and use of personal information inconnection with the products and services they offer. Any questions or requestsrelating to personal information processed by these other companies orindividuals should be directed to them.


You Provide to Us Directly

We may collect the following personal information that you provide tous.

Account     Creation. When you create an account, we may collect information such as     name, email address, password, and log-in/display name.

Purchases. We     may collect personal information and details associated with your     purchases, including payment information. Any payments made via our     Services are processed by third-party payment processors. We do not     directly collect or store any payment card information entered through our     Services, but it may receive information associated with your payment card     information (e.g., your billing details).

Your     Communications with Us. We may collect personal information,     such as name, email address, company name, phone number, mailing address,     date of birth, gender, interests, product, operating system, order number,     or details of your request when you ask for information about our Services,     register for our newsletter or mailing list, request customer or technical     support, apply for a job, or otherwise communicate with us.

Surveys. We     may contact you to participate in surveys. If you decide to participate,     you may be asked to provide certain information which may include personal     information.  We may present this information to our advertisers and     partners, in the form of grouped statistics compiled from our users’     answers to such questions.

Interactive     Features. We and others who use our Services may collect personal     information that you submit or make available through our interactive     features (e.g., messaging and chat features, commenting functionalities,     forums, blogs, and social media pages). Any information you provide using     the public sharing features of the Services (referred to herein as “User     Content”) will be considered “public,” unless otherwise required by     Applicable Laws, and is not subject to the privacy protections referenced     herein. Please exercise caution before revealing any information that may     identify you in the real world to other users.

Sweepstakes     or Contests. We may collect personal information you     provide for any sweepstakes or contests that we offer. In some     jurisdictions, we are required to publicly share information of     sweepstakes and contest winners.

Conferences, Trade Shows, and Other Events. We may collect personal information     from individuals when we attend conferences, trade shows, and other     events.

Business     Development and Strategic Partnerships. We may collect     personal information from individuals and third parties to assess and     pursue potential business opportunities.

Job     Applications. We may post job openings and     opportunities on our Services. If you reply to one of these postings by     submitting your application, CV and/or cover letter to us, we will collect     and use your information to assess your qualifications.

Information     Collected Automatically We may collect personal information automatically when you use ourServices:

Automatic     Data Collection. We may collect certain information     automatically when you use our Services, such as your Internet protocol     (IP) address, port number, user settings, MAC address, cookie identifiers,     mobile carrier, mobile advertising and other unique identifiers, browser,     software or device information, and Internet service provider. We may also     automatically collect information regarding your use of our Services, such     as pages that you visit before, during and after using our Services,     information about the links you click, the types of content you interact     with, the frequency and duration of your activities, and other information     about how you use our Services. In addition, we may collect information     that other people provide about you when they use our Services, including     information about you when they tag you.

Location     Information. We may collect your precise     location information to provide you with enhanced Services.

Easy     Torrent Stream

Speed Application: 
Easy Torrent Stream     Speed is a Easy Torrent Stream feature that aims to increase the download     speed and efficiency of torrent swarms (i.e., a group of people, which may     include you, that own a particular file (or pieces of the file)). For more     information about Easy Torrent Stream Speed, please click 
here. By using Easy     Torrent Stream Speed, we will collect information to operate and improve Easy     Torrent Stream Speed, including a wallet address (i.e., a public key     associated with your wallet) and a private ledger that contains, BTT     balance, payments used in the wallet, and timestamps when activity channel     is opened and closed.

Easy     Torrent Stream Android Application: Easy Torrent Stream Lite is an     app-less torrenting Client that works seamlessly on your browser, allowing     you to fetch, assemble and view the immediate next set of torrent file     blocks from peers. Easy Torrent Stream Lite reaches other peers while     downloading content, therefore user IP address is exposed to other users.     However, Easy Torrent Stream Lite does not collect or store user IP     information.  µTorrent Lite will use your browser’s memory to     temporarily store torrent file blocks so as to reduce buffering while     streaming content. Easy Torrent Stream Lite also uses Google Analytics to     collect product engagement data.

Cookies,     Pixel Tags/Web Beacons, and Other Technologies. We,     as well as third parties that provide content, advertising, or other     functionality on our Services, may use cookies, pixel tags, local storage,     and other technologies (“Technologies”) to automatically collect     information through your use of our Services.  

Cookies.      Cookies are small text files placed in device browsers that store      preferences and facilitate and enhance your experience. In addition,      advertisements displayed on the Sites or in the Software may contain      cookies.  

Pixel      Tags/Web Beacons. A pixel tag (also known      as a web beacon) is a piece of code embedded in our Services that      collects information about engagement on our Services. The use of a pixel      tag allows us to record, for example, that a user has visited a      particular web page or clicked on a particular advertisement. We may also      include web beacons in e-mails to understand whether messages have been      opened, acted on, or forwarded. Our uses of these Technologies fall into thefollowing general categories:  

Operationally      Necessary. This includes      Technologies that allow you access to our Services, applications, and      tools that are required to identify irregular website behavior, prevent      fraudulent activity and improve security or that allow you to make use of      our functionality;  

Performance-Related. We      may use Technologies to assess the performance of our Services, including      as part of our analytic practices to help us understand how individuals      use our Services (see Analytics below);  

Functionality-Related. We      may use Technologies that allow us to offer you enhanced functionality      when accessing or using our Services. This may include identifying you      when you sign into our Services or keeping track of your specified      preferences, interests, or past items viewed;  

Advertising-      or Targeting-Related. We may use first party      or third-party Technologies to deliver content, including ads relevant to      your interests, on our Services or on third-party websites. See “Your PrivacyChoices and Rights” below to understand your choicesregarding these Technologies.

Analytics. We     may use Technologies and other third-party tools to process analytics     information on our Services. Some of our analytics partners include:  

Google      Analytics. For more information,      please visit 
Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy. To      learn more about how to opt-out of Google Analytics’ use of your      information, please click here.  

Social     Media Platforms. Our Services may contain social     media buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Twitch,     Pinterest and YouTube (that might include widgets such as the “share this”     button or other interactive mini programs). These features may collect     your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Services, and may set     a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. We may also     participate in co-branding and other relationships to offer e-commerce and     other services and features to our users. Your interactions with these platforms     are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.

Information     Collected from Other SourcesWe may obtain information about you from other sources, includingthrough third-party services and organizations. For example, if you access ourServices through a third-party application, such as an app store, a third-partylogin service, or a social networking site, we may collect basic accountinformation about you from that third-party application or social mediaprovider (such as your name, address, phone number and e-mail address, andother demographic information, like your date of birth, gender, age andinterests) that you have made available via your privacy settings. 


Subject to Applicable Laws, we use personal information for a variety ofbusiness purposes, including to provide our Services, for administrativepurposes, and to market our products and Services, as described below.

Provide     Our ServicesWe use personal information to fulfill our contract with you and provideyou with our Services, such as: Managing     your information and accounts; Providing     access to certain areas, functionalities, and features of our Services; Answering     requests for customer or technical support;  Communicating     with you about your account, activities on our Services, and policy     changes; Processing     your financial information and other payment methods for products or     Services purchased; Processing     applications if you apply for a job we post on our Services; and Allowing     you to register for events.

Administrative     PurposesWe use personal information for various administrative purposes, suchas: Pursuing     our legitimate interests such as direct marketing, research and     development (including marketing research), network and information     security, and fraud prevention; Detecting     security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or     illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity; Measuring     interest and engagement in our Services;  Short-term,     transient use, such as contextual customization of ads; Improving,     upgrading or enhancing our Services;  Developing     new products and Services; Ensuring     internal quality control and safety; Authenticating     and verifying individual identities, including requests to exercise your     rights under this policy; Debugging     to identify and repair errors with our Services; Auditing     relating to interactions, transactions and other compliance activities; Sharing     information with third parties as needed to provide the Services; Enforcing     our agreements and policies;  Complying     with our legal obligations; and To     provide anonymous reporting for internal and external clients.

Marketing     and Advertising our Products and ServicesWe may use personal information to tailor and provide you with contentand advertisements. We may provide you with these materials as permitted byApplicable Laws. Some of the ways we market to you may include email campaigns, customaudiences advertising , and “interest-based” or “personalized advertising,”including through cross-device tracking.If you have any questions about our marketing practices or if you wouldlike to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes,you may contact us at any time as set forth in “Contact Us” below. 

Other     PurposesWe also use your information for other purposes as requested by you oras permitted by Applicable Laws.

Consent. We     may use personal information for other purposes that are clearly disclosed     to you at the time you provide personal information or with your consent.

Automated     Decision Making. We may engage in automated decision     making, including profiling. Easy Torrent Stream’s processing of your     personal information will not result in a decision based solely on     automated processing that significantly affects you unless such a decision     is necessary as part of a contract we have with you, we have your consent,     or we are permitted by law to engage in such automated decision making. If     you have questions about our automated decision making, you may contact us     as set forth in “
Contact Us” below.

Manage     Downloads.  The Easy Torrent Stream Client is     a software application on your machine that manages downloads. The Easy     Torrent Stream Client downloads files quickly by trading pieces with other     users who are also downloading (or have downloaded) the same content. Your     use of the Easy Torrent Stream Client to download files will, in turn,     enable other Easy Torrent Stream Client users (or users of other clients     that communicate using the Easy Torrent Stream Client protocol, including     clients that are unaffiliated with Easy Torrent Stream) to download pieces     of those files from you. Although your IP address is associated with your     piece of the file, other users will not have access to any other personal     information about you.
    We do not track which files you transfer with the Easy Torrent Stream     Client. Merely using the Easy Torrent Stream Client does not cause a     record of which files you transfer to be kept by Easy Torrent Stream or Easy     Torrent Stream on behalf of any third party.

De-identified     and Aggregated Information. We may use personal information and     other information about you to create de-identified and/or aggregated     information, such as de-identified demographic information, de-identified     location information, information about the device from which you access     our Services, or other reports and analyses we create. If we create or     receive de-identified information, we will not attempt to reidentify such     information, unless required to comply with Applicable Laws or unless we     are otherwise permitted to do so by Applicable Laws.

Share     Content with Friends or Colleagues. Our     Services may offer various tools and functionalities. For example, we may     allow you to provide information about your friends through our referral     services. Our referral services may allow you to forward or share certain     content with a friend or colleague, such as an email inviting your friend     to use our Services. Please only share with us contact information of     people with whom you have a relationship (e.g., relative, friend neighbor,     or co-worker).

HOW WE DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe disclose personal information to third parties for a variety ofbusiness purposes, including to provide our Services, to protect us or others,or in the event of a major business transaction such as a merger, sale, orasset transfer, as described below. 

Disclosures     to Provide our ServicesThe categories of third parties with whom we may share your informationare described below. 

Service     Providers. We may share your personal information     with our third-party service providers who use that information to help us     provide our Services. This includes service providers that provide us with     IT support, hosting, payment processing, customer service, and related     services.

Business     Partners. We may share your personal information with business partners to     provide you with a product or service you have requested. We may also     share your personal information to business partners with whom we jointly     offer products or services.

Affiliates. We     may share your personal information with our company affiliates.

Other     Users/Website Visitors. As described above in “
Personal Information We Collect,” our     Services allow you to share your profile and/or User Content with other     Users/publicly, including to those who do not use our Services. 


Last Updated:
 February 7, 2024

Easy Torrent Stream Limited and our subsidiaries (including Easy TorrentStream, Inc. and  DTV Limited) (collectively, “Easy Torrent Stream,” “we,”“us” and “our”) are technology companies that are responsible for creating thelargest decentralized communications protocol for distributing data over theInternet by providing peer-to-peer protocol and associated clients. Please alsorefer to our 
End User License Agreement (EULA), Terms of Use and CopyrightInfringement Policy for additional information.The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to provide you with information onEasy Torrent Stream’s use of your personal information or personal data inaccordance with applicable laws, including the British Virgin Islands DataProtection Act, 2021 (“Applicable Laws”).


At or before the time of collection, California residents may have aright to receive notice of our practices, including the categories of personal information to becollected, the purposes for which such information iscollected or used, whether such information is sold or shared, and how long such informationis retained. You can find those details as itrelates to personal information that is subject to this Privacy Policy byclicking on the above links.


This Privacy Policy applies to personal information processed by us,including on our websites, mobile applications, software, and other online oroffline offerings. Easy Torrent Stream’s software called the “Easy TorrentStream” applications or the “Easy Torrent Stream” applications are sometimescollectively referred to hereunder as the “Easy Torrent Stream Client.” EasyTorrent Stream’s other applications, including, but not limited to, EasyTorrent Stream Live and Easy Torrent Stream Now, are sometimes referred tohereunder as “Easy Torrent Stream Other Applications.” The Easy Torrent StreamClient and Easy Torrent Stream Other Applications are sometimes collectivelyreferred to as the “software”. To make this Privacy Policy easier to read, ourwebsites, mobile applications, software, and other offerings are collectivelycalled the “Services.


The categories of personal information we collect depend on how youinteract with us, our Services, and the requirements of Applicable Laws. Wecollect information that you provide to us, information we obtain automaticallywhen you use our Services, and information from other sources such asthird-party services and organizations, as described below.
An Important Note: This Privacy Policy doesnot apply to the information practices of other companies and organizationsthat advertise our Services or to services offered by other companies orindividuals, including products or sites that they offer that may include ourServices, or to products or sites that may be displayed to you in searchresults that may be linked from our Services. In those cases, their respectiveprivacy policies govern their collection and use of personal information inconnection with the products and services they offer. Any questions or requestsrelating to personal information processed by these other companies orindividuals should be directed to them.


You Provide to Us Directly

We may collect the following personal information that you provide tous.

Account     Creation. When you create an account, we may collect information such as     name, email address, password, and log-in/display name.

Purchases. We     may collect personal information and details associated with your     purchases, including payment information. Any payments made via our     Services are processed by third-party payment processors. We do not     directly collect or store any payment card information entered through our     Services, but it may receive information associated with your payment card     information (e.g., your billing details).

Your     Communications with Us. We may collect personal information,     such as name, email address, company name, phone number, mailing address,     date of birth, gender, interests, product, operating system, order number,     or details of your request when you ask for information about our Services,     register for our newsletter or mailing list, request customer or technical     support, apply for a job, or otherwise communicate with us.

Surveys. We     may contact you to participate in surveys. If you decide to participate,     you may be asked to provide certain information which may include personal     information.  We may present this information to our advertisers and     partners, in the form of grouped statistics compiled from our users’     answers to such questions.

Interactive     Features. We and others who use our Services may collect personal     information that you submit or make available through our interactive     features (e.g., messaging and chat features, commenting functionalities,     forums, blogs, and social media pages). Any information you provide using     the public sharing features of the Services (referred to herein as “User     Content”) will be considered “public,” unless otherwise required by     Applicable Laws, and is not subject to the privacy protections referenced     herein. Please exercise caution before revealing any information that may     identify you in the real world to other users.

Sweepstakes     or Contests. We may collect personal information you     provide for any sweepstakes or contests that we offer. In some     jurisdictions, we are required to publicly share information of     sweepstakes and contest winners.

Conferences, Trade Shows, and Other Events. We may collect personal information     from individuals when we attend conferences, trade shows, and other     events.

Business     Development and Strategic Partnerships. We may collect     personal information from individuals and third parties to assess and     pursue potential business opportunities.

Job     Applications. We may post job openings and     opportunities on our Services. If you reply to one of these postings by     submitting your application, CV and/or cover letter to us, we will collect     and use your information to assess your qualifications.

Information     Collected Automatically We may collect personal information automatically when you use ourServices:

Automatic     Data Collection. We may collect certain information     automatically when you use our Services, such as your Internet protocol     (IP) address, port number, user settings, MAC address, cookie identifiers,     mobile carrier, mobile advertising and other unique identifiers, browser,     software or device information, and Internet service provider. We may also     automatically collect information regarding your use of our Services, such     as pages that you visit before, during and after using our Services,     information about the links you click, the types of content you interact     with, the frequency and duration of your activities, and other information     about how you use our Services. In addition, we may collect information     that other people provide about you when they use our Services, including     information about you when they tag you.

Location     Information. We may collect your precise     location information to provide you with enhanced Services.

Easy     Torrent Stream

Speed Application: 
Easy Torrent Stream     Speed is a Easy Torrent Stream feature that aims to increase the download     speed and efficiency of torrent swarms (i.e., a group of people, which may     include you, that own a particular file (or pieces of the file)). For more     information about Easy Torrent Stream Speed, please click 
here. By using Easy     Torrent Stream Speed, we will collect information to operate and improve Easy     Torrent Stream Speed, including a wallet address (i.e., a public key     associated with your wallet) and a private ledger that contains, BTT     balance, payments used in the wallet, and timestamps when activity channel     is opened and closed.

Easy     Torrent Stream Android Application: Easy Torrent Stream Lite is an     app-less torrenting Client that works seamlessly on your browser, allowing     you to fetch, assemble and view the immediate next set of torrent file     blocks from peers. Easy Torrent Stream Lite reaches other peers while     downloading content, therefore user IP address is exposed to other users.     However, Easy Torrent Stream Lite does not collect or store user IP     information.  µTorrent Lite will use your browser’s memory to     temporarily store torrent file blocks so as to reduce buffering while     streaming content. Easy Torrent Stream Lite also uses Google Analytics to     collect product engagement data.

Cookies,     Pixel Tags/Web Beacons, and Other Technologies. We,     as well as third parties that provide content, advertising, or other     functionality on our Services, may use cookies, pixel tags, local storage,     and other technologies (“Technologies”) to automatically collect     information through your use of our Services.  

Cookies.      Cookies are small text files placed in device browsers that store      preferences and facilitate and enhance your experience. In addition,      advertisements displayed on the Sites or in the Software may contain      cookies.  

Pixel      Tags/Web Beacons. A pixel tag (also known      as a web beacon) is a piece of code embedded in our Services that      collects information about engagement on our Services. The use of a pixel      tag allows us to record, for example, that a user has visited a      particular web page or clicked on a particular advertisement. We may also      include web beacons in e-mails to understand whether messages have been      opened, acted on, or forwarded. Our uses of these Technologies fall into thefollowing general categories:  

Operationally      Necessary. This includes      Technologies that allow you access to our Services, applications, and      tools that are required to identify irregular website behavior, prevent      fraudulent activity and improve security or that allow you to make use of      our functionality;  

Performance-Related. We      may use Technologies to assess the performance of our Services, including      as part of our analytic practices to help us understand how individuals      use our Services (see Analytics below);  

Functionality-Related. We      may use Technologies that allow us to offer you enhanced functionality      when accessing or using our Services. This may include identifying you      when you sign into our Services or keeping track of your specified      preferences, interests, or past items viewed;  

Advertising-      or Targeting-Related. We may use first party      or third-party Technologies to deliver content, including ads relevant to      your interests, on our Services or on third-party websites. See “Your PrivacyChoices and Rights” below to understand your choicesregarding these Technologies.

Analytics. We     may use Technologies and other third-party tools to process analytics     information on our Services. Some of our analytics partners include:  

Google      Analytics. For more information,      please visit 
Google Analytics’ Privacy Policy. To      learn more about how to opt-out of Google Analytics’ use of your      information, please click here.  

Social     Media Platforms. Our Services may contain social     media buttons such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Telegram, Twitch,     Pinterest and YouTube (that might include widgets such as the “share this”     button or other interactive mini programs). These features may collect     your IP address, which page you are visiting on our Services, and may set     a cookie to enable the feature to function properly. We may also     participate in co-branding and other relationships to offer e-commerce and     other services and features to our users. Your interactions with these platforms     are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.

Information     Collected from Other SourcesWe may obtain information about you from other sources, includingthrough third-party services and organizations. For example, if you access ourServices through a third-party application, such as an app store, a third-partylogin service, or a social networking site, we may collect basic accountinformation about you from that third-party application or social mediaprovider (such as your name, address, phone number and e-mail address, andother demographic information, like your date of birth, gender, age andinterests) that you have made available via your privacy settings. 


Subject to Applicable Laws, we use personal information for a variety ofbusiness purposes, including to provide our Services, for administrativepurposes, and to market our products and Services, as described below.

Provide     Our ServicesWe use personal information to fulfill our contract with you and provideyou with our Services, such as: Managing     your information and accounts; Providing     access to certain areas, functionalities, and features of our Services; Answering     requests for customer or technical support;  Communicating     with you about your account, activities on our Services, and policy     changes; Processing     your financial information and other payment methods for products or     Services purchased; Processing     applications if you apply for a job we post on our Services; and Allowing     you to register for events.

Administrative     PurposesWe use personal information for various administrative purposes, suchas: Pursuing     our legitimate interests such as direct marketing, research and     development (including marketing research), network and information     security, and fraud prevention; Detecting     security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent or     illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity; Measuring     interest and engagement in our Services;  Short-term,     transient use, such as contextual customization of ads; Improving,     upgrading or enhancing our Services;  Developing     new products and Services; Ensuring     internal quality control and safety; Authenticating     and verifying individual identities, including requests to exercise your     rights under this policy; Debugging     to identify and repair errors with our Services; Auditing     relating to interactions, transactions and other compliance activities; Sharing     information with third parties as needed to provide the Services; Enforcing     our agreements and policies;  Complying     with our legal obligations; and To     provide anonymous reporting for internal and external clients.

Marketing     and Advertising our Products and ServicesWe may use personal information to tailor and provide you with contentand advertisements. We may provide you with these materials as permitted byApplicable Laws. Some of the ways we market to you may include email campaigns, customaudiences advertising , and “interest-based” or “personalized advertising,”including through cross-device tracking.If you have any questions about our marketing practices or if you wouldlike to opt out of the use of your personal information for marketing purposes,you may contact us at any time as set forth in “Contact Us” below. 

Other     PurposesWe also use your information for other purposes as requested by you oras permitted by Applicable Laws.

Consent. We     may use personal information for other purposes that are clearly disclosed     to you at the time you provide personal information or with your consent.

Automated     Decision Making. We may engage in automated decision     making, including profiling. Easy Torrent Stream’s processing of your     personal information will not result in a decision based solely on     automated processing that significantly affects you unless such a decision     is necessary as part of a contract we have with you, we have your consent,     or we are permitted by law to engage in such automated decision making. If     you have questions about our automated decision making, you may contact us     as set forth in “
Contact Us” below.

Manage     Downloads.  The Easy Torrent Stream Client is     a software application on your machine that manages downloads. The Easy     Torrent Stream Client downloads files quickly by trading pieces with other     users who are also downloading (or have downloaded) the same content. Your     use of the Easy Torrent Stream Client to download files will, in turn,     enable other Easy Torrent Stream Client users (or users of other clients     that communicate using the Easy Torrent Stream Client protocol, including     clients that are unaffiliated with Easy Torrent Stream) to download pieces     of those files from you. Although your IP address is associated with your     piece of the file, other users will not have access to any other personal     information about you.
    We do not track which files you transfer with the Easy Torrent Stream     Client. Merely using the Easy Torrent Stream Client does not cause a     record of which files you transfer to be kept by Easy Torrent Stream or Easy     Torrent Stream on behalf of any third party.

De-identified     and Aggregated Information. We may use personal information and     other information about you to create de-identified and/or aggregated     information, such as de-identified demographic information, de-identified     location information, information about the device from which you access     our Services, or other reports and analyses we create. If we create or     receive de-identified information, we will not attempt to reidentify such     information, unless required to comply with Applicable Laws or unless we     are otherwise permitted to do so by Applicable Laws.

Share     Content with Friends or Colleagues. Our     Services may offer various tools and functionalities. For example, we may     allow you to provide information about your friends through our referral     services. Our referral services may allow you to forward or share certain     content with a friend or colleague, such as an email inviting your friend     to use our Services. Please only share with us contact information of     people with whom you have a relationship (e.g., relative, friend neighbor,     or co-worker).

HOW WE DISCLOSE PERSONAL INFORMATIONWe disclose personal information to third parties for a variety ofbusiness purposes, including to provide our Services, to protect us or others,or in the event of a major business transaction such as a merger, sale, orasset transfer, as described below. 

Disclosures     to Provide our ServicesThe categories of third parties with whom we may share your informationare described below. 

Service     Providers. We may share your personal information     with our third-party service providers who use that information to help us     provide our Services. This includes service providers that provide us with     IT support, hosting, payment processing, customer service, and related     services.

Business     Partners. We may share your personal information with business partners to     provide you with a product or service you have requested. We may also     share your personal information to business partners with whom we jointly     offer products or services.

Affiliates. We     may share your personal information with our company affiliates.

Other     Users/Website Visitors. As described above in “
Personal Information We Collect,” our     Services allow you to share your profile and/or User Content with other     Users/publicly, including to those who do not use our Services.  Advertising     Partners. We may share your personal information with third-party     advertising partners. These third-party advertising partners may set     Technologies and other tracking tools on our Services to collect     information regarding your activities and your device (e.g., your IP     address, cookie identifiers, page(s) visited, location, time of day).     These advertising partners may use this information (and similar     information collected from other services) for purposes of delivering     personalized advertisements to you when you visit digital properties     within their networks. This practice is commonly referred to as     “interest-based advertising” or “personalized advertising.”  APIs/SDKs. We     may use third-party Application Program Interfaces (“APIs”) and Software     Development Kits (“SDKs”) as part of the functionality of our Services.     For more information about our use of APIs and SDKs, please contact us as     set forth in “Contact Us below. Disclosures     to Protect Us or OthersWe may access, preserve, and disclose any information we storeassociated with you to external parties if we, in good faith, believe doing sois required or appropriate to: comply with law enforcement or national securityrequests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; protect your,our, or others’ rights, property, or safety; enforce our policies or contracts;collect amounts owed to us; or assist with an investigation or prosecution ofsuspected or actual illegal activity. Disclosure     in the Event of Merger, Sale, or Other Asset TransfersIf we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence,reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, purchase or sale of assets, ortransition of service to another provider, your information may be sold ortransferred as part of such a transaction, as permitted by law and/or contract.YOUR PRIVACY CHOICES AND RIGHTSYour Privacy Choices. The privacy choices you mayhave about your personal information are determined by Applicable Laws and aredescribed below.  Email     Communications. If you receive an unwanted email from     us, you can use the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of the email to     opt out of receiving future emails. Note that you will continue to receive     transaction-related emails. We may also send you certain non-promotional     communications regarding us and our Services, and you will not be able to     opt out of those communications (e.g., communications regarding our     Services or updates to our Terms or this Privacy Policy).  Text     Messages. You may opt out of receiving text     messages from us by following the instructions in the text message you     have received from us or by otherwise contacting us. Mobile     Devices. We may send you push notifications through our mobile     application. You may opt out from receiving these push notifications by     changing the settings on your mobile device. With your consent, we may     also collect precise location-based information via our mobile     application. You may opt out of this collection by changing the settings     on your mobile device. “Do     Not Track. Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a     privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. Please note     that we do not respond to or honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms     transmitted by web browsers. Cookies     and Personalized Advertising. You may stop or restrict the placement     of Technologies on your device or remove them by adjusting your     preferences as your browser or device permits. However, if you adjust your     preferences, our Services may not work properly.
    Please note that cookie-based opt-outs are not effective on mobile     applications. However, you may opt-out of personalized advertisements on     some mobile applications by following the instructions for 
AndroidiOS and others.
    The online advertising industry also provides websites from which you may     opt out of receiving targeted ads from organizations that participate in     self-regulatory programs. You can access these and learn more about     targeted advertising and consumer choice and privacy by visiting the 
Network Advertising Initiativethe Digital Advertising Alliancethe European Digital Advertising Alliance,     and the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada.
    Please note you must separately opt out in each browser and on each     device. 

Your Privacy Rights. In accordance with ApplicableLaws, you may have the right to:

Confirm     Whether We Are Processing Your Personal Information (the     right to know);

Request     Access to and Portability of Personal Information about     you, including: (i) obtaining access to or a copy of your personal     information; and (ii) receiving an electronic copy of personal information     that you have provided to us, or asking us to send that information to     another company in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable     format (the “right of data portability”);

Request     Correction of your personal information where it is     inaccurate or incomplete;

Request     Deletion of your personal information; 

Request     to Opt-Out of Certain Processing Activities including,     as applicable, if we process your personal information for “targeted     advertising” (as “targeted advertising” is defined by applicable privacy     laws),  if we “sell” your personal information (as “sell” is defined     by applicable privacy laws), or if we engage in “profiling” in furtherance     of certain “decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects”     concerning you (as such terms are defined by applicable privacy laws);

Request     Restriction of or Object to our processing of your     personal information; and  Withdraw     your Consent to our processing of your personal     information. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, you may log in andadjust your details via the user account section where applicable. If this doesnot resolve your request or you would prefer, please contact us as set forth in“
Contact Us below. We will processsuch requests in accordance with Applicable Laws.To protect your privacy, we will take steps to reasonably verify youridentity before fulfilling requests submitted under applicable privacy laws.These steps may involve asking you to provide sufficient information thatallows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collectedpersonal information or an authorized representative. Examples of ourverification process may include asking you to confirm the email address wehave associated with you.Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf in certainjurisdictions, may make a request to exercise the rights listed above regardingyour personal information. If your personal information is subject to a lawthat allows an authorized agent to act on your behalf in exercising yourprivacy rights and you wish to designate an authorized agent, please providewritten authorization signed by you and your designated agent using theinformation found in “Contact Us” below and ask us for additionalinstructions.Some laws may allow you to appeal our decision if we decline to processyour request. If Applicable Laws grant you an appeal right and you would liketo appeal our decision with respect to your request, you may do so by informingus of this and providing us with information supporting your appeal.If your personal information is subject to the applicable dataprotection laws of Brazil, the British Virgin Islands, the European EconomicArea, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom, you have the right to lodge acomplaint with the competent supervisory authority if you believe ourprocessing of your personal information violates Applicable Laws.  Autoridade Nacionalde Proteçãode Dados (ANPD)  EEA Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) Swiss Federal Data Protection     and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS OF PERSONAL INFORMATION All personal information processed by us may be transferred, processed,and stored anywhere in the world, including, but not limited to, the UnitedStates or other countries, which may have data protection laws that aredifferent from the laws where you live. If we transfer personal information which originates in the EuropeanEconomic Area, Switzerland, and/or the United Kingdom to a country that has notbeen found to provide an adequate level of protection under applicable dataprotection laws, one of the safeguards we may use to support such transfer isthe EU Standard Contractual Clauses. For more information about the safeguards we use for internationaltransfers of your personal information, please contact us as set forth below.

RETENTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION We store the personal information we collect as described in thisPrivacy Policy for as long as you use our Services or as necessary to fulfillthe purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, resolvedisputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate businesspurposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with Applicable Laws.  To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information,we may consider applicable legal requirements, the amount, nature, andsensitivity of the personal information, certain risk factors, the purposes forwhich we process your personal information, and whether we can achieve thosepurposes through other means.

SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTSThis Supplemental California Privacy Notice supplements our PrivacyPolicy and only applies to our processing of personal information that issubject to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended from time totime) (“CCPA”). The CCPA provides California residents with the right to knowwhat categories of personal information Easy Torrent Stream has collected aboutthem, whether Easy Torrent Stream disclosed that personal information for abusiness purpose (e.g., to a service provider), whether Easy Torrent Stream“sold” that personal information, and whether Easy Torrent Stream “shared” thatpersonal information for “cross-context behavioral advertising” in thepreceding 12 months. California residents can find this information below:

Category   of Personal Information Collected by Easy Torrent StreamCategory   of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information is Disclosed for a Business   PurposeCategory   of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information is Sold and/or SharedIdentifiers.
 A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online  identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other  similar identifiers.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Personal information categories listed in  the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
 A name, signature, address, telephone number, insurance policy number,  education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card  number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical  information, or health insurance information.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Protected classification characteristics  under California or federal law
 Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship,  religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental  disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression,  pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation,  veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic  information).   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates  N/A

Commercial information
 Records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other  purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Internet or other electronic network  activity
 Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction  with an internet website, application, or advertisement.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Sensory data
 Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates  N/A

Professional or employment-related  information
 Current or past job history or performance evaluations.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates  N/A

Inferences drawn from other personal  information to create a profile about a consumer
 Profile reflecting a consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological  trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and  aptitudes.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Personal information that reveals a  consumer’s social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or  passport number   Service       providers  N/APersonal information that reveals a  consumer’s account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card  number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or  credentials allowing access to an account   Service       providers  N/APersonal information that reveals a  consumer’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or  union membership   Service       providers  N/APersonal information that reveals the  contents of a consumer’s mail, email, and text messages unless Easy Torrent  Stream is the intended recipient of the communication   Service       providers  N/AThe categories of sources from which we collect personal information andour business and commercial purposes for using and disclosing personalinformation are set forth in “Personal Information We Collect,” “How We Use Personal Information,” and “How We Disclose Personal Information” above, respectively. We will retain personal information in accordance with thetime periods set forth in “Retention of Personal Information.”We “sell” and “share” your personal information to provide you with“cross-context behavioral advertising” about Easy Torrent Stream’s products andservices.

Additional Disclosures for California ResidentsOpting Out of “Sales” of Personal Information and/or “Sharing” forCross-Context Behavioral Advertising under the CCPA. California residents have the right to opt out of the “sale” of personalinformation and the “sharing” of personal information for “cross-contextbehavioral advertising.” California residents may exercise these rights byaccessing the “Do Not Share or Sell My Personal Information” prompt andselecting the manner in which their information is shared.

Disclosure Regarding Individuals Under the Age of 16. Easy Torrent Stream does not have actual knowledge of any “sale”of personal information of minors under 16 years of age. Easy Torrent Streamdoes not have actual knowledge of any “sharing” of personal information ofminors under 16 years of age for “cross-context behavioral advertising.” 

Disclosure Regarding Sensitive Personal Information. BiTorrent only uses and discloses sensitive personal information for thefollowing purposes: To     perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an     average consumer who requests those goods or services.  To     prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents that compromise the     availability, authenticity, integrity, and or confidentiality of stored or     transmitted personal information. To     resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at Easy     Torrent Stream and to prosecute those responsible for those actions.  To     ensure the physical safety of natural persons. For     short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non personalized     advertising shown as part of a consumer’s current interaction with Easy     Torrent Stream, provided that the personal information is not disclosed to     another third party and is not used to build a profile about the consumer     or otherwise alter the consumer’s experience outside the current     interaction with Easy Torrent Stream. To     verify or maintain the quality or safety of a product, service, or device     that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by Easy     Torrent Stream, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device     that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by Easy     Torrent Stream.  For     purposes that do not infer characteristics about individuals.

Non-Discrimination. California residents havethe right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise oftheir rights conferred by the CCPA.

Right for minors to remove posted content. Where required by law, California residents under the age of 18may request to have their posted content or information removed from thepublicly-viewable portions of the Services by contacting us directly as setforth in Contact Us below. SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE FOR CERTAIN INTERNATIONAL COUNTRIES Supplemental     Notice for Russia
    This Supplemental Notice for Russia only applies to our processing of     personal information that is subject to the applicable data protection     laws of Russia.

International     Transfers. When transferring personal     information which originates in Russia internationally, we will comply     with the applicable requirements governing processing of such personal     information.

CHILDREN’S INFORMATIONThe Services are not directed to children under 16 (or other age asrequired by local law outside the United States), and we do not knowinglycollect personal information from children.If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has uploadedpersonal information to our site without your consent, you may contact us asdescribed in Contact Us below. If we become aware thata child has provided us with personal information in violation of ApplicableLaws, we will delete any personal information we have collected, unless we havea legal obligation to keep it, and terminate the child’s account, ifapplicable.

THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES/APPLICATIONSThe Services may contain links to other websites/applications and otherwebsites/applications may reference or link to our Services. These third-partyservices are not controlled by us. We encourage our users to read the privacypolicies of each website and application with which they interact. We do notendorse, screen or approve, and are not responsible for the privacy practicesor content of such other websites or applications. Providing personalinformation to third-party websites or applications is at your own risk. 

UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICYWe may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in our solediscretion. If we do, we will let you know by posting the updated PrivacyPolicy on our website and/or may also send other communications.

CONTACT USEasy Torrent Stream is the controller of the personal information weprocess under this Privacy Policy.If you have any questions about our privacy practices or this PrivacyPolicy, or to exercise your rights as detailed in this Privacy Policy, pleasecontact us

Advertising     Partners. We may share your personal information with third-party     advertising partners. These third-party advertising partners may set     Technologies and other tracking tools on our Services to collect     information regarding your activities and your device (e.g., your IP     address, cookie identifiers, page(s) visited, location, time of day).     These advertising partners may use this information (and similar     information collected from other services) for purposes of delivering     personalized advertisements to you when you visit digital properties     within their networks. This practice is commonly referred to as     “interest-based advertising” or “personalized advertising.” 

APIs/SDKs. We     may use third-party Application Program Interfaces (“APIs”) and Software     Development Kits (“SDKs”) as part of the functionality of our Services.     For more information about our use of APIs and SDKs, please contact us as     set forth in “
Contact Us below.

Disclosures     to Protect Us or OthersWe may access, preserve, and disclose any information we storeassociated with you to external parties if we, in good faith, believe doing sois required or appropriate to: comply with law enforcement or national securityrequests and legal process, such as a court order or subpoena; protect your,our, or others’ rights, property, or safety; enforce our policies or contracts;collect amounts owed to us; or assist with an investigation or prosecution ofsuspected or actual illegal activity.

Disclosure     in the Event of Merger, Sale, or Other Asset TransfersIf we are involved in a merger, acquisition, financing due diligence,reorganization, bankruptcy, receivership, purchase or sale of assets, ortransition of service to another provider, your information may be sold ortransferred as part of such a transaction, as permitted by law and/or contract.

YOUR PRIVACY CHOICES AND RIGHTSYour Privacy Choices. The privacy choices you mayhave about your personal information are determined by Applicable Laws and aredescribed below. 

Email     Communications. If you receive an unwanted email from     us, you can use the unsubscribe link found at the bottom of the email to     opt out of receiving future emails. Note that you will continue to receive     transaction-related emails. We may also send you certain non-promotional     communications regarding us and our Services, and you will not be able to     opt out of those communications (e.g., communications regarding our     Services or updates to our Terms or this Privacy Policy). 

Text     Messages. You may opt out of receiving text     messages from us by following the instructions in the text message you     have received from us or by otherwise contacting us.

Mobile     Devices. We may send you push notifications through our mobile     application. You may opt out from receiving these push notifications by     changing the settings on your mobile device. With your consent, we may     also collect precise location-based information via our mobile     application. You may opt out of this collection by changing the settings     on your mobile device.

“Do     Not Track. Do Not Track (“DNT”) is a     privacy preference that users can set in certain web browsers. Please note     that we do not respond to or honor DNT signals or similar mechanisms     transmitted by web browsers.

Cookies     and Personalized Advertising. You may stop or restrict the placement     of Technologies on your device or remove them by adjusting your     preferences as your browser or device permits. However, if you adjust your     preferences, our Services may not work properly.
    Please note that cookie-based opt-outs are not effective on mobile     applications. However, you may opt-out of personalized advertisements on     some mobile applications by following the instructions for 
AndroidiOS and others.
    The online advertising industry also provides websites from which you may     opt out of receiving targeted ads from organizations that participate in     self-regulatory programs. You can access these and learn more about     targeted advertising and consumer choice and privacy by visiting the 
Network Advertising Initiativethe Digital Advertising Alliancethe European Digital Advertising Alliance,     and the Digital Advertising Alliance of Canada.
    Please note you must separately opt out in each browser and on each     device. 

Your Privacy Rights. In accordance with ApplicableLaws, you may have the right to:

Confirm     Whether We Are Processing Your Personal Information (the     right to know);

Request     Access to and Portability of Personal Information about     you, including: (i) obtaining access to or a copy of your personal     information; and (ii) receiving an electronic copy of personal information     that you have provided to us, or asking us to send that information to     another company in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable     format (the “right of data portability”);

Request     Correction of your personal information where it is     inaccurate or incomplete;

Request     Deletion of your personal information;  Request     to Opt-Out of Certain Processing Activities including,     as applicable, if we process your personal information for “targeted     advertising” (as “targeted advertising” is defined by applicable privacy     laws),  if we “sell” your personal information (as “sell” is defined     by applicable privacy laws), or if we engage in “profiling” in furtherance     of certain “decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects”     concerning you (as such terms are defined by applicable privacy laws); Request     Restriction of or Object to our processing of your     personal information; and  Withdraw     your Consent to our processing of your personal     information. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, you may log in andadjust your details via the user account section where applicable. If this doesnot resolve your request or you would prefer, please contact us as set forth in“
Contact Us below. We will processsuch requests in accordance with Applicable Laws.To protect your privacy, we will take steps to reasonably verify youridentity before fulfilling requests submitted under applicable privacy laws.These steps may involve asking you to provide sufficient information thatallows us to reasonably verify you are the person about whom we collectedpersonal information or an authorized representative. Examples of ourverification process may include asking you to confirm the email address wehave associated with you.Only you, or someone legally authorized to act on your behalf in certainjurisdictions, may make a request to exercise the rights listed above regardingyour personal information. If your personal information is subject to a lawthat allows an authorized agent to act on your behalf in exercising yourprivacy rights and you wish to designate an authorized agent, please providewritten authorization signed by you and your designated agent using theinformation found in “Contact Us” below and ask us for additionalinstructions.Some laws may allow you to appeal our decision if we decline to processyour request. If Applicable Laws grant you an appeal right and you would liketo appeal our decision with respect to your request, you may do so by informingus of this and providing us with information supporting your appeal.If your personal information is subject to the applicable dataprotection laws of Brazil, the British Virgin Islands, the European EconomicArea, Switzerland, or the United Kingdom, you have the right to lodge acomplaint with the competent supervisory authority if you believe ourprocessing of your personal information violates Applicable Laws.  Autoridade Nacionalde Proteçãode Dados (ANPD)  EEA Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) Swiss Federal Data Protection     and Information Commissioner (FDPIC) UK Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS OF PERSONAL INFORMATION All personal information processed by us may be transferred, processed,and stored anywhere in the world, including, but not limited to, the UnitedStates or other countries, which may have data protection laws that aredifferent from the laws where you live. If we transfer personal information which originates in the EuropeanEconomic Area, Switzerland, and/or the United Kingdom to a country that has notbeen found to provide an adequate level of protection under applicable dataprotection laws, one of the safeguards we may use to support such transfer isthe EU Standard Contractual Clauses. For more information about the safeguards we use for internationaltransfers of your personal information, please contact us as set forth below.

RETENTION OF PERSONAL INFORMATION We store the personal information we collect as described in thisPrivacy Policy for as long as you use our Services or as necessary to fulfillthe purpose(s) for which it was collected, provide our Services, resolvedisputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate businesspurposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with Applicable Laws.  To determine the appropriate retention period for personal information,we may consider applicable legal requirements, the amount, nature, andsensitivity of the personal information, certain risk factors, the purposes forwhich we process your personal information, and whether we can achieve thosepurposes through other means.

SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE FOR CALIFORNIA RESIDENTSThis Supplemental California Privacy Notice supplements our PrivacyPolicy and only applies to our processing of personal information that issubject to the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (as amended from time totime) (“CCPA”). The CCPA provides California residents with the right to knowwhat categories of personal information Easy Torrent Stream has collected aboutthem, whether Easy Torrent Stream disclosed that personal information for abusiness purpose (e.g., to a service provider), whether Easy Torrent Stream“sold” that personal information, and whether Easy Torrent Stream “shared” thatpersonal information for “cross-context behavioral advertising” in thepreceding 12 months. California residents can find this information below:

Category   of Personal Information Collected by Easy Torrent StreamCategory   of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information is Disclosed for a Business   PurposeCategory   of Third Parties to Whom Personal Information is Sold and/or SharedIdentifiers.
 A real name, alias, postal address, unique personal identifier, online  identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, account name, or other  similar identifiers.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Personal information categories listed in  the California Customer Records statute (Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.80(e))
 A name, signature, address, telephone number, insurance policy number,  education, employment, employment history, bank account number, credit card  number, debit card number, or any other financial information, medical  information, or health insurance information.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  

Protected classification characteristics  under California or federal law
 Age (40 years or older), race, color, ancestry, national origin, citizenship,  religion or creed, marital status, medical condition, physical or mental  disability, sex (including gender, gender identity, gender expression,  pregnancy or childbirth and related medical conditions), sexual orientation,  veteran or military status, genetic information (including familial genetic  information).   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates  N/A

Commercial information
 Records of products or services purchased, obtained, or considered, or other  purchasing or consuming histories or tendencies.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  Internet or other electronic network  activity
 Browsing history, search history, information on a consumer’s interaction  with an internet website, application, or advertisement.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  Sensory data
 Audio, electronic, visual, thermal, olfactory, or similar information.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates  N/AProfessional or employment-related  information
 Current or past job history or performance evaluations.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates  N/AInferences drawn from other personal  information to create a profile about a consumer
 Profile reflecting a consumer’s preferences, characteristics, psychological  trends, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and  aptitudes.   Service       providers   Business       Partners and Affiliates     Advertising       partners  Personal information that reveals a  consumer’s social security, driver’s license, state identification card, or  passport number   Service       providers  N/APersonal information that reveals a  consumer’s account log-in, financial account, debit card, or credit card  number in combination with any required security or access code, password, or  credentials allowing access to an account   Service       providers  N/APersonal information that reveals a  consumer’s racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, or  union membership   Service       providers  N/APersonal information that reveals the  contents of a consumer’s mail, email, and text messages unless Easy Torrent  Stream is the intended recipient of the communication   Service       providers  N/AThe categories of sources from which we collect personal information andour business and commercial purposes for using and disclosing personalinformation are set forth in “Personal Information We Collect,” “How We Use Personal Information,” and “How We Disclose Personal Information” above, respectively. We will retain personal information in accordance with thetime periods set forth in “Retention of Personal Information.”We “sell” and “share” your personal information to provide you with“cross-context behavioral advertising” about Easy Torrent Stream’s products andservices.Additional Disclosures for California ResidentsOpting Out of “Sales” of Personal Information and/or “Sharing” forCross-Context Behavioral Advertising under the CCPA. California residents have the right to opt out of the “sale” of personalinformation and the “sharing” of personal information for “cross-contextbehavioral advertising.” California residents may exercise these rights byaccessing the “Do Not Share or Sell My Personal Information” prompt andselecting the manner in which their information is shared.Disclosure Regarding Individuals Under the Age of 16. Easy Torrent Stream does not have actual knowledge of any “sale”of personal information of minors under 16 years of age. Easy Torrent Streamdoes not have actual knowledge of any “sharing” of personal information ofminors under 16 years of age for “cross-context behavioral advertising.” Disclosure Regarding Sensitive Personal Information. BiTorrent only uses and discloses sensitive personal information for thefollowing purposes: To     perform the services or provide the goods reasonably expected by an     average consumer who requests those goods or services.  To     prevent, detect, and investigate security incidents that compromise the     availability, authenticity, integrity, and or confidentiality of stored or     transmitted personal information. To     resist malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal actions directed at Easy     Torrent Stream and to prosecute those responsible for those actions.  To     ensure the physical safety of natural persons. For     short-term, transient use, including, but not limited to, non personalized     advertising shown as part of a consumer’s current interaction with Easy     Torrent Stream, provided that the personal information is not disclosed to     another third party and is not used to build a profile about the consumer     or otherwise alter the consumer’s experience outside the current     interaction with Easy Torrent Stream. To     verify or maintain the quality or safety of a product, service, or device     that is owned, manufactured, manufactured for, or controlled by Easy     Torrent Stream, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance the service or device     that is owned, manufactured by, manufactured for, or controlled by Easy     Torrent Stream.  For     purposes that do not infer characteristics about individuals.Non-Discrimination. California residents havethe right not to receive discriminatory treatment by us for the exercise oftheir rights conferred by the CCPA.Right for minors to remove posted content. Where required by law, California residents under the age of 18may request to have their posted content or information removed from thepublicly-viewable portions of the Services by contacting us directly as setforth in Contact Us below. SUPPLEMENTAL NOTICE FOR CERTAIN INTERNATIONAL COUNTRIES Supplemental     Notice for Russia
    This Supplemental Notice for Russia only applies to our processing of     personal information that is subject to the applicable data protection     laws of Russia. International     Transfers. When transferring personal     information which originates in Russia internationally, we will comply     with the applicable requirements governing processing of such personal     information.CHILDREN’S INFORMATIONThe Services are not directed to children under 16 (or other age asrequired by local law outside the United States), and we do not knowinglycollect personal information from children.If you are a parent or guardian and believe your child has uploadedpersonal information to our site without your consent, you may contact us asdescribed in Contact Us below. If we become aware thata child has provided us with personal information in violation of ApplicableLaws, we will delete any personal information we have collected, unless we havea legal obligation to keep it, and terminate the child’s account, ifapplicable.

THIRD-PARTY WEBSITES/APPLICATIONSThe Services may contain links to other websites/applications and otherwebsites/applications may reference or link to our Services. These third-partyservices are not controlled by us. We encourage our users to read the privacypolicies of each website and application with which they interact. We do notendorse, screen or approve, and are not responsible for the privacy practicesor content of such other websites or applications. Providing personalinformation to third-party websites or applications is at your own risk. 

UPDATES TO THIS PRIVACY POLICYWe may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in our solediscretion. If we do, we will let you know by posting the updated PrivacyPolicy on our website and/or may also send other communications.

CONTACT USEasy Torrent Stream is the controller of the personal information weprocess under this Privacy Policy.If you have any questions about our privacy practices or this PrivacyPolicy, or to exercise your rights as detailed in this Privacy Policy, pleasecontact us

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